ADPCheck™ Enhancements

Author: SuperUser Account/Thursday, June 23, 2016/Categories: News

We are excited to announce important enhancements coming later this summer to ADPCheck.  Along with the current benefits of ADPCheck, the new enhancements will improve the check cashing flexibility for your employees by providing an ADPCheck drawn on a bank in the state where your employee works. This enhancement ensures you and your employees received an ADPCheck™ consistent with current payroll check best practices specific to the state in which the individual employee works.


The enhancement will take place starting in August 2016. Additional communications will be provided to you prior to your transition.



Review the information area below and watch for additional communications over the next few months.



The chart below outlines the current benefits and enhancements.

Current Benefits

Upcoming Enhancements

Check includes your Company Logo, Company Name, Address, Telephone number

Individual employee checks will be drawn on a bank based on the employee’s State Unemployment code (SUI) code

Only an ADP Corporate Officer Signature is required

Standard message “Void after 180 days” will appear on all checks

The MICR line contains ADP’s bank account number


ADP provides check reconciliation along with an uncashed items report for items outstanding over 90 days



Thank you for selecting ADPCheck. If you have any questions please contact your Relationship Manager or Service Team.

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