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Latest Compliance News

California to Increase Fast Food Worker Minimum Wage

California has enacted Assembly Bill 1228 (AB 1228),  which increases the minimum wage of fast food restaurant workers working at a national fast food chain establishment. The Details: Effective April 1, 2024, fast food restaurant workers working at a “national fast food ...

Ohio - Columbus, Ohio Prohibits Salary History Inquiries

The City of Columbus, Ohio, has enacted an ordinance to prohibit certain employers from inquiring about an applicant’s pay history. The ordinance takes effect on March 1, 2024. The details Under the ordinance, employers that operate in Columbus, Ohio are prohibited from asking about ...

New York Strengthens Wage Theft Penalties

New York has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 2832-A), which amends the state’s criminal larceny law to include wage theft. This could subject employers who are found to have committed wage theft to increased penalties. Senate Bill 2832-A is effective immediately. The details Under the ...

Minnesota Creates State-Run Retirement Plan

Minnesota has enacted legislation (House File 782), which creates a state-run retirement program that workers in the private sector can join and requires participation by employers if they have five or more employees and don’t offer a retirement plan. The law doesn’t set a timeline ...

Illinois Clarifies Equal Pay Reporting Requirements

Illinois has enacted legislation that clarifies a requirement for employers with 100 or more employees working in Illinois to obtain an Equal Pay Registration Certificate (EPRC). The legislation (House Bill 3733) takes effect Jan. 1, 2024. Details In 2021, the state amended the Illinois Equal ...

Oregon Extends Protections to Registered Apprentices and On-the-Job Training Workers

Oregon has enacted legislation (House Bill 3307), which extends certain workplace protections to registered apprentices and those in private employer on-the-job training programs. House Bill 3307 takes effect on Jan. 1, 2024. The details As background, Oregon law provides employees and interns ...

New York Prohibits Mandatory Religious or Political Meetings

New York has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 4982), which protects employees who refuse to attend employer-sponsored meetings on religious or political matters, and/or refuse to listen to or view employer communications on religion or political matters. Senate Bill 4982 is effective ...

Nevada Creates State-Run Retirement Plan

Nevada has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 305), which will require covered employers to enroll eligible employees in a retirement program that may include the Nevada Employee Savings Trust (NEST). Employee contributions would begin by July 1, 2025. The details The State of Nevada will ...

Minnesota Clarifies Anti-Retaliation Provision in Ban on Pay Secrecy Policies

Minnesota has enacted legislation that clarifies the anti-retaliation provision of a state law that generally prohibits employers from preventing employees from disclosing their own pay information. The changes took effect July 1, 2023. The details ...

Illinois Amends Notice and Personnel Records Access Requirements

Illinois has enacted legislation that amends the state’s rules for providing certain notices to remote workers and amends the requirements for providing access to employees’ personnel records. The changes made by the legislation (House Bill 3733) take effect Jan.  1, ...

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