Comprehensive Learning: Something for Everyone

Author: Jody Rodney/Wednesday, September 14, 2016/Categories: Partner News

Comprehensive HR clients have access to a wealth of learning resources.  Whether you’ve got two minutes or two hours, you’ll find learning nuggets to fit your needs and your schedule, including:

  • Videos
  • Courses
  • Simulations
  • Challenges

Check out your Comprehensive Learning library TODAY!   Log into Workforce Now: Go to the Resources menu, select My Tools and look for Comprehensive Learning link under Training.

Need to roll out a learning program? Comprehensive Learning can help!

Did you know that Comprehensive Learning has learning program curricula already created?   Over 60 curricula topics include a wide range; from Personal Development to Management and Leadership to IT.  We’ve brought together a variety of engaging learning resources -  such as videos, courses and simulations – to make it easier for users to get the learning they need in one place.    And if you’re an administrator, you have the ability to assign curricula to specific individuals or groups. 

  1. Access Comprehensive Learning through Workforce Now then go to the Resources menu, select My Tools and look for Comprehensive Learning link under Training
  2. Then click on the Browse for Training header on the right-hand side.
  3. Scoll down and under Type, select the icon for Curriculum.

Marketing Needs – Handled!

Did you know that Comprehensive Learning offers pre-packaged Marketing Campaigns to help you market learning to your organization?  Almost 20 campaign packages are currently available, with more being added each month.  Campaigns include templated emails, flyers and articles. To view available campaign packages, access Comprehensive Learning through Workforce Now then go to the Resources menu, select My Tools and look for Comprehensive Learning link under Training.  On the home page, scroll down just a bit, and you’ll see the Marketing Resources section in the middle of the page and click on the link.  

Resource Corner