REMINDER: Form W-2 Employer Reference Copies

Author: Jody Rodney/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Categories: News

The privacy and security of our clients' data is of the highest importance to ADP. We consider it key to maintaining our clients’ trust and reducing risk. ADP employs industry recognized security safeguards to help protect the personal information you provide us from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access or alteration.

To increase the security of your employees’ personal information, ADP will discontinue mailing the paper Form W-2 Employer Reference Copies beginning with the 2016 tax year.  Your company has access to the employee statements through iReports. Please review the applicable record retention requirements to ensure you are appropriately maintaining copies for your records.

For additional information about how ADP is committed to protecting the privacy and security of clients and partners, please click here

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