Overview. As a result of the enactment of Idaho Senate Bill 1202, Idaho employers are permitted to deduct a one-time administrative fee of up to $10.00 to cover certain creditor garnishment administration costs. The fee must be deducted from the money remitted to the sheriff with the employer’s first answer. Currently, there is no provision allowing an Idaho employer to charge an administrative fee in relation to creditor garnishments.
Effective Date. July 1, 2017
Details. Idaho Senate Bill 1202 states in part:
11-728. FEE FOR EMPLOYER -- GARNISHEE. When the garnishee is the employer of the judgment debtor, the garnishee may deduct a onetime fee to cover the costs associated with administering the garnishment. The fee to be deducted shall not exceed ten dollars ($10.00) and shall be deducted from the employer's first answer to the writ from money remitted to the sheriff.
For a copy of the Idaho Senate Bill 1202, please click here.
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