Webinar: Driving HR Strategy - How to Work Smarter, Stay Compliant and Win the War for Talent

Author: Jody Rodney/Friday, June 30, 2017/Categories: News

Date: Tuesday, August 8, 1:00-2:00pm EST
Host: Mike Houston
Speaker: Michael Wallington, Vice President, Comprehensive Services Sales
Guest Speaker: Rachel Ferebee, Talent Solutions Specialist, Comprehensive Services 
Target Audience: C-suite professionals; HR Leaders & Practitioners

Title: Driving HR Strategy for a Future-Ready Business: How to work smarter, stay compliant and win the war for talent 

Human Capital Management is on the brink of huge change, and business owners and executives want to make sure they’re on the right side of it. Executives are fully aware of the scale of the problem, though they don’t yet know how to solve it.

In order for them to learn how stop being tactical and become strategic, they will need to focus on the HR function less in terms of where they are now, and more on where they want to be. So companies are faced with a choice to start working smarter.

This webinar will focus on the challenges of today’s business environment and the key trends and pain points that they encounter—the swift trajectory of digital, tightening labor markets, and the global war for talent.  We will then discuss innovative solutions businesses can explore to take a progressive and transformational approach.

Key Highlights:
Exploration of key marketplace dynamics that stress clients
Navigation of the talent challenge that can impede business momentum, including related HR and administration complexities
Making the shift to a strategic, winning approach to human capital management
Hearing about available expertise and solutions to elevate your HR functions 

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