August Comprehensive Learning

Author: Jody Rodney/Wednesday, July 26, 2017/Categories: Partner News

The availability of Comprehensive Learning depends upon the specific package that your organization has purchased with ADP.  If you are unsure if you have this feature or have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager.

Get Ready for FRESH Content!
We’re working hard to keep Comprehensive Learning fresh.  In September, we’ll be releasing exciting new content, including courses and videos.  We’ll be sending out additional communications as we get closer to our September release, so keep your eyes peeled! 

Have You Seen Our New Look?
If you haven’t seen Comprehensive Learning’s new look – you are missing out!   Our new Welcome page is slick, modern and super user-friendly. Login to Workforce Now, choose Resources > My Tools >Training and you’ll see the link for Comprehensive Learning. Check out our new look today!  

Everyone’s Watching Videos! 

Videos are hot, hot, HOT!  Comprehensive Learning CompHR has over 1,200 short and informational videos, and now that they are mobile-enabled, it’s easier than ever to take learning on the go. Use your tablet, iPhone or Android device to watch engaging short bursts of learning (2-5 min) that cover a wide range of personal and professional development and desktop skills. See the Mobile Resources section of the Knowledge Bank in Comprehensive Learning for instructions on how to access videos on your mobile device.

Desktop Skills Matter
One of the most effective ways to boost your efficiency is to boost your desktop skills. Finally figure out those pesky headers and footers in Word!  Master the art of Pivot Tables in Excel!  Quickly create meeting invites in Outlook!  Easily change slide layouts in PowerPoint!  Comprehensive Learning features a wealth of eLearning courses and CompHR features super short video tutorials for how to perform the most in-demand functions in Microsoft Office applications. To see what we have to offer, on the Welcome Page in Comprehensive Learning, go to the Browse for Training box and expand the section for Desktop Skills.

Resource Corner