ADP Workforce Now Enhancements

Author: Jody Rodney/Tuesday, August 1, 2017/Categories: Product Updates

We are always working to provide you with a better client experience. We are pleased to announce the following enhancements to ADP® Workforce Now® (WFN) effective August 12, 2017.

Release Highlights

  • Analytics – Pay Equity Explorer is a new feature to identify pay gaps within your organization. It compares annualized base salary for employees in a specific EEOC Protected Class or “group” against an average annual salary of the highest-paid “group” within the same job and location in the organization. This feature is available to you if you are enrolled in DataCloud Benchmarking. 
  • Benefits – We improved the Benefit Plan Setup process and added a new wizard to help create plans and perform tasks.  The redesign provides for easier implementation and maintenance, enhances compliance, and includes terminology changes.  
  • HR/Talent – If a Practitioner requests consent for background screening, applicants will now be prompted to authorize/accept via E-Sign.  Practitioners can also create a Checklist on the fly when entering a new hire.

User Experience Improvements

  • PaaS – Document Cloud will provide Practitioners with an online tour, the ability to filter employees’ documents by e-signature status, and quick access to pending and expiring documents.  You can also have a notification sent to the Message Center for expiring documents or documents pending e-signature.
  • Payroll – The Practitioner State tax withholding pages now align with State withholding form fields.
  • Reporting – Standard reports were updated to align with the new and improved Benefit Plan Setup enhancements.
  • Time Off – Practitioners, Supervisors, and employees will have the ability to add notes to time off requests.  In addition, email notifications will be sent when approved time off requests are cancelled.  
  • Time and Attendance – Practitioners, Supervisors, and employees will be able to add notes to pending and approved time off requests.  ADP will also be able to configure Daily Calculation Programs allowing you and your supervisors to assign temporary calculation rules for situations where an employee’s work assignments are changing during a pay period.  You will no longer have to calculate overtime or shift differentials for specific days and enter them as payroll adjustments.

A pop-up will appear in WFN on the first login on August 12, 2017, with a link to Support Center where the What’s New for ADP Workforce Now document is presented.  The What’s New includes screenshots and descriptions of the new enhancements. Please be sure to thoroughly review this document.

If you have any questions, please contact your Service Team. 

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