October Comprehensive Learning

Author: Jody Rodney/Wednesday, October 4, 2017/Categories: Partner News

The availability of Comprehensive Learning depends upon the specific package that your organization has purchased with ADP.  If you are unsure if you have this feature or have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager.

NEW Curricula Available NOW! 
Comprehensive Learning offers eight (8) pre-packaged curricula for today’s most in-demand topics.  We’ve updated curricula to include all of our fresh, NEW content.   These curated collections of self-paced course and video assets help learners boost their skills in areas like, email communication, business writing, customer service and time management.  Search for “curriculum” in Comprehensive Learning to view what’s available. 

Have You SEEN the New Content?

If not, you are missing out!  Fresh, engaging new courses and videos have arrived!   Courses are shorter, smarter and more engaging.  Videos content includes the latest from well-known thought leaders across the globe. Access the Course Catalog and view the New Releases tab to see a list of all the latest and greatest content!  

Remember - all videos are now mobile-enabled!  Comprehensive Learning has over 1,000 short informational videos, and it’s easier than ever to take learning on the go. Use your tablet, iPhone or Android device to watch engaging short bursts of learning (2-5 min) that cover a wide range of personal and professional development and desktop skills. See the Mobile Resources section of the Knowledge Bank in Comprehensive Learning for instructions on how to access videos on your mobile device.


Resource Corner