The availability of Comprehensive Learning depends upon the specific package that your organization has purchased with ADP. If you are unsure if you have this feature or have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager.
SPANISH Courses Available
Comprehensive Learning offers over 100 learning titles in Spanish. Topics covered include, Legal Compliance, Environmental Safety and Health, Management and Leadership, and Professional and Personal Development
To find Spanish courses in Comprehensive Learning:
1. Go to the Search box and click the magnifying glass
2. Choose Refine Search
3. Click the drop-down next to All Languages
4. Select Spanish
Alternatively, you can also view a listing of all Spanish content in the Course Catalog Tool.
Make 2018 the Year of Learning
The evidence is overwhelming. Organizations that leverage learning technology for employee development see a significant improvement across a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s):
• Employee engagement
• Productivity
• Revenue
• Costs
• Turnover
ADP’s Comprehensive Learning gives your organization access to an extensive library of resources that can make a significant and positive impact. For more information on the impact of learning, view The Skillsoft Effect infographic.
We’ve Got Your Compliance Needs Covered
If your organization requires compliance learning for employees, Comprehensive Learning has you covered. Our extensive inventory of Legal Compliance and Environment, Safety and Health learning resources will ensure your employees and your organization achieves and maintains required compliance. Topics include Harassment, Privacy and Information Security, Workplace Safety, Active Shooter, Emergency Preparedness, Bullying and much more! Browse under the Legal Compliance and Environmental Safety, Health and Transportation topics in Comprehensive Learning to view what’s available.