New Jersey Increases Minimum Wage for 2019


Author: Jody Rodney/Tuesday, October 30, 2018/Categories: News

Overview: New Jersey’s minimum wage will increase to $8.85 per hour on January 1, 2019. All non-exempt employees in the state must be paid at least the minimum wage.

Effective Date: January 1, 2019



Each September, New Jersey adjusts its minimum wage based on increases in the Consumer Price Index for all urban wage earners and clerical workers, with the new minimum wage taking effect the following January.

Call to Action:

New Jersey employers must pay all non-exempt employees at least $8.85 per hour beginning January 1, 2019. New Jersey employers must also post a Wage & Hour Law Abstract reflecting the new minimum wage, available here

Please contact your Relationship Manager or Service Team with any questions.

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