Enhanced Time or ADP Workforce Manager codes:
If you utilize Enhanced Time or ADP Workforce Manager, please contact your ADP Enhanced Time, ADP Workforce Manager representative, or Service Team to have your system configured to accommodate this new legislation.
WFN Time Off (for our clients who use this feature):
If you utilize WFN Time Off, the following time Off policies are available with the required reason codes added and mapped to the appropriate Hours/Earnings, Memo Code, and Pay Code. Note that practitioners are responsible for mass assigning policies, importing policy assignments, or individually assigning policies to employees.
§ CA FT Supplemental PSL 2022(with 80-hour time off award as of 1/1/2022)
· Reason codeCA SPSL 2022 mapped to Hours/Earnings code1XQand Pay CodeCA SPSL 2022
· Reason code CA SPSL 2022 Addl Leave mapped to Hours/Earnings code 1XQ and Pay Code CA SPSL 2022 Addl Leave
§ CA PT Supplemental PSL 2022(set up as an external award policy, allowing practitioners to award the time off needed based on state requirements)
· Reason codeCA SPSL 2022 mapped to Hours/Earnings code1XQand Pay CodeCA SPSL 2022
· Reason code CA SPSL 2022 Addl Leave mapped to Hours/Earnings code 1XQ and Pay Code CA SPSL 2022 Addl Leave
Pay Statement Display Information
For payrolls processed on or after Friday, February 25, the check message, “If no CA SPSL USED is listed, you have used zero hours,” will display for all CA employees who have not used Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Hours during 2022. This will be listed under the “Important Notes” section.
If hours are paid out using code 1XQ, the message will be replaced with the number of hours taken and will be displayed under the “Other Benefits and Information” section with a description of CA SPSL USED.