EEO-1 Reporting Expected to Begin in Fall for Covered Employers

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has announced that it is tentatively scheduled to begin accepting EEO-1 reports for 2022 via its portal in the fall of 2023. Previously, the EEOC had expected to start the process in mid-July 2023. The reason for the delay is that the EEOC ...

USCIS Announces New Form I-9 and Alternative Verification Procedure

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced a new version of Form I-9 (I-9) to verify the identity and employment authorization of employees and a new alternative procedure to the in-person physical document examination method that employers have followed as part of the I-9 ...

U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Right to Religious Accommodations

This notice is to clarify how  in Groff v. DeJoy, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that when establishing an undue hardship in the context of providing reasonable accommodations for employees’ religious beliefs and practices, employers must demonstrate substantial increased costs in ...

Alaska Updates Regulations on Board and Lodging Deductions

The details: The updated regulations stipulate that employers may make deductions from the Alaska state minimum wage (currently $10.85 per hour) if the following conditions are met: (1)   The board or lodging facilities are customarily furnished by the employer to the employee. ...

Colorado Expands Nondiscrimination Law

Colorado has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 23-172), which prohibits discrimination based on marital status, redefines harassment under state law, clarifies the protections for individuals with disabilities, and extends recordkeeping requirements. The changes take effect Aug. 7, 2023. The ...

Georgia Amends Rules for Time Off for Voting

Georgia has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 129) that amends the rules governing an employee’s entitlement to time off to vote in elections. The changes take effect July 1, 2023. The details Existing Law ...

Hawaii to Require that Job Listings Disclose Pay Information

Hawaii has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 1057), which requires employers with 50 or more employees to disclose in job listings the hourly rate or salary range for the position. Senate Bill 1057 also broadens the state’s equal pay law. The changes take effect Jan. 1, 2024. The ...

Louisiana Requires Leave for Genetic Testing and Cancer Screening

Louisiana has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 200), which will require employers with 20 or more employees to provide leave to employees for genetic testing and cancer screening when medically necessary. The changes take effect Aug. 1, 2023. The details When medically necessary, an employer ...

Michigan Further Expands Nondiscrimination Law

Michigan has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 147), which prohibits all employers from discriminating against applicants and employees based on the individual’s termination of a pregnancy. The law takes effect on the 91st day after adjournment of the state legislature. The legislature is ...

New York City Delays Implementation of Minimum Wage for Delivery Workers

It was previously reported that on June 12, 2023, the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) released the final rule  regarding the required minimum wage for app-based restaurant delivery workers.  New York City has announced that the minimum ...

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