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Latest Compliance News

Texas Protects Workers from Violence in the Workplace

Texas has enacted legislation (House Bill 915) that requires all employers to post a notice containing contact information on where to report workplace violence. House Bill 915 takes effect on Sept. 1, 2023. The Details Under the law, an employer must provide a notice to employees that ...

New Jersey Retroactively Adopts “Convenience of the Employer” Rule for Withholding

On July 21, 2023, the New Jersey legislature enacted AB 4694 (P.L.2023, c.125) (NJ AB 4694) to adopt a “convenience of the employer” sourcing rule for nonresident employee wages, but only for states that maintain the same “convenience of the employer” rule.  New ...

Texas Adds Human Trafficking Prevention Training Requirements for Transportation Network Companies

Texas has enacted legislation (House Bill 2313), which requires Transportation Network Company employers to provide training on human trafficking awareness and prevention. House Bill 2313 takes effect on Sept. 1, 2023. The Details As background, a Transportation Network ...

Rhode Island Makes Juneteenth a State Holiday

Rhode Island has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 0444A), which will make June nineteenth (Juneteenth) a state holiday. Senate Bill 0444A takes effect on Jan. 1, 2024. The details Under the law, for Juneteenth National Freedom Day: Non-exempt (hourly workers) cannot be forced to ...

New York upcoming Salary Transparency requirements - reminder

All state salary transparency requirements and amendments are set to take effect on Sept.  17, 2023. To prepare for the upcoming requirements and help ensure compliance with Senate Bill 9427A and Assembly Bill 999, covered employers should: Review: ...

Montana Establishes 30-Day Threshold for Income Tax withholding for Nonresidents

Effective for tax years starting on or after Jan. 1, 2024, employers are not required to withhold Montana state income tax from nonresident employee wages earned for work within the state until an employee spends more than 30 days performing work for the employer in Montana.   The ...

Maine Bars Mandatory Employer Meetings on Religious or Political Matters

Maine has enacted legislation that prohibits employers from taking adverse action against employees because they refuse to attend an employer-sponsored meeting that communicates the opinion of the employer about religious or political matters. The changes take effect Oct. 25, 2023. The ...

Illinois to Require Pay Scale in Job Ads

Illinois has enacted legislation (House Bill 3129), which requires employers with 15 or more employees to include in job postings the pay scale and benefits for the position. House Bill 3129 takes effect Jan. 1, 2025. The details The requirement for job postings only applies to positions ...

Illinois Expands Bereavement Leave Requirements

Illinois has enacted legislation that expands requirements for certain employers to provide bereavement leave to employees. The legislation (Senate Bill 2034) takes effect Jan. 1, 2024. The details Under the new law, an employee of an employer with 250 or more full-time employees in ...

Texas Adds Labor Law Protections

Texas has enacted legislation (House Bill 2459) to further protect certain employees from labor law violations. House Bill 2459 takes effect on Sept. 1, 2023. The Details As background, Texas labor laws cover and provide certain employment protections to employees, ...

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