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Rhode Island has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 0342aa), which prohibits employers from requiring that an employee enter into a nondisclosure or confidentiality agreement that requires alleged civil rights violations to remain confidential. Senate Bill 0342aa is effective immediately. The ...
Rhode Island has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 1079a), which clarifies and increases certain penalties for employers that are found to have violated certain payment laws or misclassified independent contractors. Senate Bill 1079a takes effect on Jan. 1, 2024. The details As background, ...
New Hampshire has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 269), which clarifies the circumstances in which an employer may administer a tip pool or tip-sharing agreement. Senate Bill 269 takes effect on Sept. 26, 2023. The details As background, under New Hampshire law, a "tip" means ...
Maine has enacted legislation that amends the state’s equal pay law to address race-based discrimination in pay. Previously, the state’s equal pay law addressed sex-based discrimination only. The changes take effect Oct. 25, 2023. The details Under the new law, employers are ...
Maine has enacted legislation that will allow employees who don’t customarily and regularly receive tips to participate in tip pooling, provided the employer pays the full minimum wage and doesn’t use the tip credit. The change will take effect Oct. 25, 2023. The ...
Illinois has enacted legislation that will require employers with 51 or more employees to provide paid organ donation leave to employees. The law (House Bill 3516) takes effect Jan. 1, 2024. The details To be eligible for paid organ donation leave, the employee must: Be employed ...
The Edgewater, Colorado City Council has adopted Ordinance 2023-07, which establishes a local minimum wage. The new ordinance applies to employers with one or more "covered" employees, which are individuals performing, or expected to perform, four or more hours of work for an employer in any ...
On Aug. 25, 2023, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2023-62, Guidance on Section 603 of the SECURE 2.0 Act with Respect to Catch-Up Contributions. Click here to access this notice. Among other things, the notice announced a two-year delay of ...
When the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 was signed into law late last year, it included several provisions affecting retirement savings plans. These provisions are collectively referred to as the Setting Every Community Up for ...
The Superior Court of California has delayed enforcement of the new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Regulations for one year. This means that the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) cannot begin enforcement of the new regulations until March 29, 2024. The delay offers employers a ...