OSHA Halts Rule Requiring Electronic Submission of Reports

Author: Jody Rodney/Wednesday, June 14, 2017/Categories: Compliance Corner

Overview.  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has halted an Obama-era rule requiring employers to submit workplace injury and illness data for posting online.

Details.  "OSHA is not accepting electronic submissions of injury and illness logs at this time, and intends to propose extending the July 1, 2017 date by which certain employers are required to submit the information from their completed 2016 Form 300A electronically," OSHA said in a posting on its website. "Updates will be posted to this webpage when they are available."

The rule, finalized last year, applies to companies with more than 250 employees that are already required to keep injury records. OSHA has posted some of that data in the past, but it was submitted mostly on a voluntary basis.

Call to Action. Employers do not need to file their reports electronically unless and until they hear otherwise. 

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