Full-Time vs. Part-Time vs. FTE: What you need to know

Employers often have questions about the differences between employee status, such as full-time, part-time, and full-time-equivalent employees, and how employment laws apply to these workers. Below we answer frequently asked questions about full-time, part-time, and full-time-equivalent ...

Washington updates Family & Medical Leave and LTC premiums for 2022

Washington has announced that premiums for its Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program will increase and that employers must start collecting premiums for the Washington Cares program. The premium requirements will begin on January 1, 2022. Background: Washington enacted a paid family ...

Seattle increases minimum wage

Seattle Washington's minimum wage will increase on January 1, 2022. Employers must pay all non-exempt employees who work in Seattle at least the minimum wage per hour. 2022 Rates: For employers with 500 or fewer employees, the minimum wage will be: ·      ...

New York City Gender Self-ID rules at the State and Local level

Background: The New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) prohibits discrimination and harassment based on gender, which includes actual or perceived sex, gender identity, and gender expression, regardless of the sex assigned to that person at birth. The NYCHRL’s discrimination provisions ...

Nevada adds Kin Care Leave law

Nevada has enacted legislation (Assembly Bill 190) that requires employers to let employees use accrued sick leave to care for an immediate family member. Assembly Bill 190 takes effect October 1, 2021. Assembly Bill 190: If an employer provides paid or unpaid sick leave, the employer ...

Maine further limits deductions affter overpaying employees

Maine has enacted legislation (Legislative Document 610) that will further limit deductions after an employer mistakenly overpays an employee. The law takes effect October 18, 2021. Legislative Document 610: Under the law, an employer that has overcompensated an employee through employer error ...

Delaware repeals youth and training minimum wages

Delaware has enacted legislation (House Bill 88) that will repeal a provision that allows employers to pay less than the minimum wage to youth workers and new employees. House Bill 88 takes effect December 29, 2021. Background: In 2018, Delaware enacted legislation that permitted employers to ...

California to phase out subminimum wage for workers with disabilities

California has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 639) that will phase out a provision that allows employers to pay a subminimum wage to employees with disabilities. Background: Under existing law, the state’s Industrial Welfare Commission may issue licenses to employees with physical or ...

California Gender Self-ID rules at the State and Local level

Background: California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits harassment and discrimination because of sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression and certain other characteristics. The discrimination provisions cover employers with five or more employees, but the harassment ...

Washington, D.C. expands paid family leave program

The District of Columbia has enacted an ordinance expanding a program offering paid parental, family, and medical leave benefits to eligible employees. The changes are effective October 1, 2021. Background: In 2016, the District of Columbia enacted a paid family leave program funded by a tax ...

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