Illinois to require sexual harassment training

Illinois has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 75) that clarifies anti-harassment protections and imposes new requirements for employers to provide sexual harassment training. Sexual Harassment Training: Beginning January 1, 2020, every employer with employees working in Illinois must provide ...

Illinois approves recreational marijuana law

Illinois has enacted legislation (House Bill 1438) that will allow the recreational use of marijuana in the state. The law will also offer protections for employees who use marijuana while off duty. House Bill 1438 takes effect January 1, 2020. Off-Duty Use: Under existing law, employers are ...

Illinois amends equal pay law

Illinois has enacted legislation (House Bill 834) that will expand the state's equal pay law. House Bill 834 takes effect September 29, 2019. Background: Currently, the state's Equal Pay Act of 2003 prohibits employers with four or more employees from paying an employee less than another ...

Connecticut requires Civil Air Patrol leave

Connecticut has enacted legislation (Substitute Senate Bill 863) that protects employees who are absent from work for the purposes of responding to an emergency as a member of the Civil Air Patrol. Substitute Senate Bill 863 takes effect October 1, 2019. Protections: Substitute Senate Bill ...

Chicago enacts scheduling ordinance

Chicago has enacted an ordinance that will require certain employers to notify employees of their schedules in advance and pay employees when they provide insufficient notice of schedule changes. The ordinance takes effect July 1, 2020. Note: Safety-net hospitals will have until January 1, 2021 ...

California to extend paid family leave benefits

California has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 83) that will increase the maximum duration of paid family leave benefits. Background: Currently, California’s paid family leave (PFL) program provides up to six weeks of wage-replacement benefits to employees who take time off from work to ...

California bans hairstyle discrimination

California has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 188) that will expressly prohibit employers from discriminating against and harassing applicants and employees because of hair texture and hairstyles that are historically associated with race. Senate Bill 188 takes effect January 1, 2020. ...

October webinars

Newsletter Article Template Becoming a Supervisor – MACS74523 October 1, 2019 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET How to Register This webinar provides new or future supervisors with an overview of the ...

Oregon requires policy on sexual harassment and discrimination

Oregon has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 726) that will require employers to adopt a written policy for reducing and preventing discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. The law takes effect October 1, 2020. At a minimum, the policy must ...

New York prohibits pay history inquiries

The state of New York has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 6549) that will prohibit employers from asking about applicants’ pay history.  Senate Bill 6549 takes effect January 6, 2020.  Senate Bill 6549 prohibits employers from: ·      Relying on ...

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