January webinars

Newsletter Article Template Anger Management – MACS74607 January 7, 2020 1:00pm - 2:30pm ET How to Register This webinar provides managers and human resource professionals an understanding of the ...

Christmas Day payroll schedule

ADP® would like to remind you that Christmas Day, Wednesday December 25, 2019 is a bank holiday. The Federal Reserve will be closed as will ADP’s offices. To ensure timely employee direct deposits we ...

Service Portal: Status Updates on Your Schedule

Status updates available at noon and midnight?  Introducing Service Portal, our new digital help center that makes it easier to work with ADP than ever before. Get real-time status visibility when you need it, with just a few clicks, on all of your open and ...

Codeless registration is just days away

Ditch the registration code … Life is gonna get easier! You recently received an email about an easy sign-in option that lets you sign in to Workforce Now® when you forget your password — without having to create a new one! We got such a positive response, we thought… ...

Seattle increases minimum wage

Seattle Washington’s minimum wage will increase on January 1, 2020. Minimum Wage Rates: Seattle employers with 500 or fewer employees (“small employers”) will be required to pay non-exempt employees who work in Seattle at least $15.75 per hour. If the small employer pays at ...

New York increases minimum wage

New York's minimum wage will increase on December 31, 2019. This change is a result of a 2016 law that increased the minimum wage incrementally. Background: Different minimum wage rates will be in effect in separate areas of New York until the minimum wage reaches $15.00. The minimum wage ...

Pennsylvania enacts Construction Industry Employee Verification Act

Pennsylvania has enacted the Construction Industry Employee Verification Act (House Bill 1170), which requires construction industry employers to use E-Verify to confirm that new hires are authorized to work in the United States. House Bill 1170 takes effect on October 7, ...

Ohio increases minimum wage for 2020

Ohio's minimum wage will increase to $8.70 per hour on January 1, 2020. With a few exceptions, all non-exempt employees in Ohio must be paid at least the minimum wage per hour. Coverage: The 2020 minimum wage rate applies to Ohio businesses with annual gross receipts of more than $319,000 ...

New York expands protections for victims of domestic violence

New York has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 1040) that expands employment protections for domestic violence victims. Senate Bill 1040 takes effect on November 18, 2019. Background: Currently, New York state's Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) prohibits employers with four or more employees from ...

New Hampshire expands anti-discrimination protections

New Hampshire has enacted legislation (House Bill 608) that expands gender identity protections. House Bill 608 is effective immediately. Background: In July 2018, New Hampshire added gender identity to its list of characteristics that are protected from discrimination. Under the law, "gender ...

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