Labor Day holiday payroll schedule

ADP would like to remind you that Labor Day, Monday September 6, 2021 is a bank holiday. The Federal Reserve will be closed as will ADP’s offices.    To ensure timely employee direct deposits we recommend you accept and approve your payroll 48 business hours prior ...

Paycheck Protection Program: Applying for Forgiveness and Timeframes

As you know, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) offered forgivable, low-interest loans to small businesses facing uncertainty due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), to help businesses retain workers, maintain payroll and cover other existing overhead costs. Applications for new PPP loans ...

Student loan relief final extension through Jan. 31, 2021

In a 08/06/21 press release, the Department of Education (DOE) extended its suspension of wage garnishment for student loan debts through 1/31/22. The announcement confirmed this will be the final such extension, which is aimed at smoothing the transition for borrowers ahead of the resumption of ...

Printed Employee Calendar Cards to be discontinued

We are contacting you because our records indicate that you have previously ordered printed Calendar Cards from ADP. As part of our on-going paperless efforts, Calendar Cards will no longer be available to order for delivery as of Aug. 20, 2021. Calendar Cards are always available for your ...

Washington approves health & safety grants

The state of Washington has enacted legislation (House Bill 1097) that amends existing health and safety law. House Bill 1097 takes effect on July 25, 2021. Background: The state of Washington requires employers to comply with general safety standards, including providing each ...

Chicago amends and expands paid sick leave requirements

The Chicago City Council has approved an ordinance (Ordinance No. O2021-2182) that will amend and expand the city’s paid sick leave law. The changes take effect August 1, 2021. Background: Chicago requires all employers with at least one covered employee to provide paid sick leave. To be ...

Washington expands paid family leave eligibility

The State of Washington has enacted legislation (House Bill 5097) that expands eligibility for the state's paid family and medical leave program. House Bill 5097 takes effect on July 25, 2021. Background: Washington state provides partial wage replacement for employees to take leave to, ...

Virginia creates state-run retirement program

Virginia has enacted legislation to create a state-administered individual retirement account (IRA) program. Enrollment for the program will begin on or about July 1, 2023. Overview: The Board of the Virginia College Savings Plan will administer and oversee the program and develop ...

South Carolina amends firearms law

South Carolina has enacted legislation (House Bill 3094) that amends its concealed weapons law. House Bill 3094 takes effect on August 15, 2021. Overview: House Bill 3094 allows employers to prohibit a licensed individual from carrying a concealable weapon, whether concealed or openly ...

Oregon issues final COVID-19 safety rule

Oregon's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published a final rule that requires employers to follow certain safety protocols to stop the spread of COVID-19. Background: Previously, Oregon published a temporary rule to help control the spread of ...

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