Oregon amends family leave act

Oregon has enacted legislation (House Bill 2474) that permanently amends the Oregon Family Leave Act to allow covered employees to take childcare leave during a public emergency. House Bill 2474 takes effect on January 1, 2022. Background: Oregon previously enacted Order BLI 7-2020, ...

New Mexico bans hairstyle and headwear discrimination

New Mexico has enacted legislation (House Bill 29) that amends the state's Human Rights Act to prohibit hairstyle discrimination in the workplace. House Bill 29 is effective immediately. Background: The New Mexico Human Rights Act prohibits employers with four or more employees from ...

Nevada requires paid leave for COVID-19 vaccination

Nevada has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 209) that amends its paid leave law to require paid leave for COVID-19 vaccination. Senate Bill 209 is effective immediately and is set to expire on December 31, 2023. Background: Currently, Nevada employers with 50 or more employees that have ...

Connecticut enacts recreational marijuana law with employment protections

Connecticut has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 1201) that will allow adults to use recreational marijuana in the state beginning July 1, 2021. Senate Bill 1201 also includes certain employment protections for recreational marijuana use outside of work. The employment-related provisions ...

Colorado Supreme Court: Employers cannot force employees to forfeit earned vacation

The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that state law requires that all earned vacation pay must be paid at the end of the employment relationship. Background: Under state law, wages cannot be forfeited once earned. Under the law, wages include vacation pay earned pursuant to any agreement. If ...

Texas expressly prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace

Texas has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 45) that prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace. Senate Bill 45 takes effect on September 1, 2021. Background: Texas employers are prohibited from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, disability, ...

Pennsylvania protects organ donations

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has signed legislation HB203, also known as the Living Donor Protection Act, or "the Act" that will provide unpaid leave to eligible employees for surgery related to organ or tissue donation. The Act takes effect June 26, 2021. Background: Among other ...

Oregon prohibits driver's license discrimination

Oregon has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 569) that prohibits an employer from requiring an employee or prospective employee to possess or present a valid driver's license as a condition of employment or continued employment. Senate Bill 569 is effective immediately. Employer ...

Oregon amends anti-retaliation rules

Oregon has amended its anti-retaliation rules related to health and safety protections. Senate Bill 843 is effective immediately. Background: Under ORS 654.062, employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees for exercising their rights to a safe and healthy work environment. ...

New York enacts workplace health and safety protections

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the New York Health and Essential Rights Act, or "the NY HERO Act" (the Act), into law on May 5, 2021. The Act adds workplace health and safety protections for airborne infectious diseases and requires employers to establish a health and safety plan. Update ...

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