Smiths Grove and Carter County, Kentucky: New income tax

As of Jan. 1, 2020, updated Occupational License Fees (OLF) are in effect for Smiths Grove and Carter County, Kentucky. While our records indicate that you may have employees who live or work in these Kentucky jurisdictions, we’re unable to determine if they’re liable for the ...

Arizona Dept. of Revenue releases “Statement of Exemptions 2020” form

The Arizona Department of Revenue has released a "Statement of Exemptions 2020" form, which includes the exemption tables from the revised IRS Publication 1494 (2020). (Arizona follows the exemption tables published by the federal agency/IRS.) The exemption amounts have slightly increased in the ...

Virginia expands requirements for wage statements

Virginia has enacted legislation (House Bill 2664) that will require employers to provide a written wage statement to employees each payday. House Bill 2664 took effect Jan. 1, 2020. Background: Under existing law, an employer is only required to provide a written statement of the employee's ...

Pittsburgh requires paid sick leave

Pittsburgh has enacted an ordinance that will require all employers in the city to provide paid sick leave to employees. The law takes effect March 15, 2020. Covered Employers: The ordinance applies to all employers who do business in the city. Employers with 15 or more employees must ...

New York City expands sexual harassment prevention training requirements

New York City has expanded its sexual harassment prevention training requirements to cover independent contractors and freelancers effective Jan. 11, 2020. Starting Jan. 11, all independent contractors and freelancers are protected from employment discrimination and harassment under the City ...

New York amends tip credit rule for miscellaneous industries and occupations

New York's rules for paying certain tipped employees will change beginning June 30, 2020. Background: Currently, under the Wage Order for Miscellaneous Industries and Occupations, covered employers may count tips that employees receive toward meeting the minimum wage, as long as the ...

Illinois amends recreational marijuana law

Illinois has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 1557) that amends the state's recreational marijuana law. Senate Bill 1557 is effective immediately. Background: In 2019, Illinois enacted legislation (House Bill 1438) that allows the use of recreational marijuana beginning January 1, 2020. ...

Hawaii expands nondiscrimination law

Hawaii has enacted legislation (House Bill 710) that prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals based on their reproductive health decisions. House Bill 710 is effective immediately. Background: Hawaii prohibits all employers from discriminating against individuals because of ...

Colorado adopts final rules on vacation payouts

News of an outbreak of a new coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China raises issues for employers and employees about appropriate workplace responses. Reported cases are expanding quickly to other countries, including the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and ...

Final rule creates new test for joint employment

On Jan. 12, 2020, the Department of Labor (DOL) released a final rule that will create a new test for determining whether a joint-employer relationship exists in certain situations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The final rule takes effect March 16, 2020. Background: Among other ...

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