February Webinars

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President's Day is a Bank Holiday

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New Overtime Rule Soon to Make Its Appearance

New Overtime Rule Soon to Make Its Appearance Overview: The Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposal on a new federal overtime rule to determine the salary level for “white collar” exemptions — executive, administrative and ...

Upcoming Instructor‐Led Webinars for Managers, Supervisors, and HR Practitioners

January 2019 Anger Management January 2, 2019 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET How to Register   This course provides managers ...

Maine Employers Must Provide Sexual Harassment Training Annually

Details: Maine law requires employers to annually provide their employees with notice of the employer’s sexual harassment policy. The employer’s policy must contain, for example, the definition of harassment (with examples), the employer’s internal complaint mechanism, the ...

Oregon Publishes Final Rules Implementing its Expansive Equal Pay Act

Overview:  A majority of the provisions of Oregon’s Equal Pay Act will go into effect on January 1, 2019. The Act’s ban on salary history inquiries went into effect in October 2017. Beginning the effective date, the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) will enforce the Act, ...

Northbrook and Wilmette Opt-in to Cook County Earned Sick Leave Ordinance

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New York State Extends Wage Deduction Amendment Rules

Overview:  On December 7, 2018, New York Governor Cuomo signed into law bill A10615 immediately extending for eight years the 2012 amendments to New York Labor Law 193 that permit employers to make deductions from wages for items such as overpayments and advances against wages, subject to ...

New York Amends its Laws Regarding Organ and Tissue Donation

Overview: New York’s laws regarding organ and tissue donation have been amended. The law prohibits insurers from discriminating in life, accident, and health insurance based on a person’s status as a living organ or tissue donor. In addition, the law authorizes the use of paid family ...

New Suffolk County, NY, Bill Bans Inquiry into Salary History

Overview: Joining New York City, Albany County, and Westchester County, Suffolk County has become the latest jurisdiction in New York to pass a bill that prevents employers from inquiring into the salary and benefits history of job applicants. Effective Date: June 30, 2019 Details: Joining New ...

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