Massachusetts Expands Sick Leave Requirement

Massachusetts has enacted legislation that will entitle employees to use sick leave to address the employee’s or their spouse’s needs related to pregnancy loss or a failed assisted reproduction, adoption or surrogacy. The change takes effect Nov. 21, 2024. The Details Under ...

Maine - Reminder: Maine Paid Family and Medical Leave Contributions and Reporting Start Soon

The Maine Department of Labor (MDOL) is reminding employers that contributions and quarterly reporting for the state’s paid family and medical leave program will begin Jan. 1, 2025. The MDOL has also issued a proposed rule to implement the program and updated guidance ...

Important Dates Approaching for Delaware’s Paid Leave Program

The Delaware Department of Labor is reminding employers of important dates that are approaching for the state’s Paid Leave Program (Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program). The program will be funded through payroll contributions paid by covered employers and employees. These dates ...

Connecticut to Expand Paid Sick Leave Law

Connecticut has enacted legislation that will expand the state’s paid sick leave law to eventually cover all employers and employees and make other changes. Currently, the state’s paid sick leave law applies to employers with 50 or more employees in the state, and only ...

IRS Releases 2025 HSA and HDHP Limits

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) via Revenue Procedure 2024-25 has released the inflation-adjusted contribution limitations for calendar year 2025 in relation to health savings accounts (HSAs) and high-deductible health plans (HDHPs).   These limits are indexed for inflation and ...

Pittsburgh Adds Medical Marijuana Patient Protections

The Pittsburgh City Council has passed Ordinance 2024-0705 (the Ordinance), which prohibits employers from discriminating against medical marijuana patients in the workplace and limits certain marijuana drug testing of these patients. The Ordinance is effective immediately. The Details As ...

Hawaii Bars Mandatory Meetings on Political Matters

Hawaii has enacted legislation that prohibits employers from taking adverse action against employees because they refuse to attend an employer-sponsored mandatory meeting that communicates the employer’s opinion about political matters. The changes took effect immediately. The ...

Connecticut Amends Paid Family and Medical Leave Law

Connecticut has enacted legislation that amends a law entitling employees to paid family and medical leave. The amendments take effect Oct. 1, 2024. The Details Covered Employers The amendments make clear that the definition of a covered employer also includes a federally recognized ...

California Health Care Worker Minimum Wage Takes Effect Oct. 16

The California Department of Industrial Relations has announced that the minimum wage for covered health care workers will go into effect Oct. 16, 2024. Originally, the minimum wage was supposed to take effect June 1, 2024, but it was delayed twice. The Details Implementation of the ...

California Raises Minimum Pay for Overtime Exemptions for 2025

The California Department of Industrial Relations has announced an increase to the pay rates that computer software employees and physicians must receive to be exempt from overtime. Additionally, the minimum salary required for the administrative, professional, and executive overtime exemptions ...

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