Oklahoma Voters Pass Broad Medical Marijuana Law with Anti-Discrimination Provisions

Overview: Oklahoma has passed a medical marijuana law that gives broad discretion to physicians in prescribing medical marijuana. The law restricts employers from taking action against applicants or employees solely based on their status as a medical marijuana license holder or due to a ...

Western Springs, Illinois, Opts Back into Cook County Sick Leave Ordinance

Effective date: May 18, 2018. Details: The Western Springs Board of Trustees has voted to opt into the Cook County sick leave ordinance effective May 18, 2018, reversing a previous decision to opt out of the Cook County ordinances. The Cook County sick leave ordinance requires ...

Tennessee Law Prohibits Non-Disclosure Provisions in Agreements with respect to Sexual Harassment Claims

Effective date: Immediately Details: Tennessee has enacted a law that prohibits public and private employers from requiring an employee or prospective employee from executing or renewing a non-disclosure agreement with respect to claims of sexual harassment in the workplace as a condition ...

San Francisco Revises Paid Sick Leave Ordinance Rules

Overview: The City and County of San Francisco Office of Labor Standards Enforcement recently published “Rules Implementing the San Francisco Paid Sick Leave Ordinance. These rules are an update to the existing law which were adopted when the Paid Sick Leave Ordinance initially went into ...

New Hampshire Amends Pay Frequency Requirements

Effective Date: July 29, 2018 Details: New Hampshire has modified its pay frequency requirements. Previously, employers were required to pay all wages at regular pay periods not to exceed 14 days. The amendment now requires employers to pay all wages due to the employee within eight days ...

New Hampshire Amends Law to Prohibit Gender Identity Discrimination

Overview: New Hampshire has amended its law against discrimination to include gender identity in the list of protected classes. Effective Date: July 8, 2018. Details: ”Gender identity" is defined under the law as "a person's gender-related identity, appearance, or behavior, ...

Nevada Supreme Court Clarifies Circumstances in Which Employers May Pay the Lower of the State’s Two-Tier Minimum Wages

Overview: The Nevada Supreme Court has concluded that an employer may pay the lower of the state’s two-tier minimum wages if the employer offers health insurance at a cost to the employer in the equivalent of at least an additional dollar per hour in wages, and at a cost to the employee of ...

Michigan Modifies Pay Frequency Requirements for Monthly Paid Employees

Effective Date: September 2, 2018 Details: Under current Michigan law, employees paid on a monthly pay frequency must be paid on the 1st of the month following the month in which the wages were earned. For example, all wages earned in June must be paid by July 1. This law made it difficult ...

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