Maryland Enacts the Disclosing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Act of 2018

Overview: Maryland has enacted the Disclosing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Act of 2018 which prohibits contractual waivers of sexual harassment claims and imposes significant reporting requirements for certain Maryland employers as well. Effective Date: October 1, ...

Georgia Revises Wage Garnishment Limits

Effective Date: May 8, 2018 Details: The state of Georgia has enacted legislation (SB 194) which amends the maximum amount of an employee’s disposable earnings that may be garnished to repay a debt. Effective May, 8, 2018, the maximum wages subject to garnishment are the lesser ...

Georgia Enacts Tough New Long-Term Care Background Check Law

Overview: A new Georgia law will require nursing home and other long-term care workers to submit to extensive background checks. Specifically, the new law will require care workers with “direct access” to seniors in long-term care facilities to pass a national background check. ...

Georgia Bans Hand-Held Devices While Driving

Effective Date: July 1, 2018 Details: Background: Georgia has become one of 16 states in the country that bans the use of hand-held devices while driving. Governor Nathan Deal signed “Hands-Free Georgia Act” (House Bill 673) into law on May 2, 2018. The new law takes ...

Duluth, Minnesota Enacts Paid Sick Leave

Overview: On May 29, 2018, the Duluth City Council passed an Earned Sick and Safe Time ordinance (Ordinance No. 10571). The Ordinance generally applies to any employer with five or more employees, regardless of whether they work in the city. The number of employees is determined based on the ...

Connecticut Increases Minimum Wage for Workers Who Care for People with Disabilities

Overview: Connecticut has passed a law that will prohibit employers from asking applicants about their pay history. Effective Date: January 1, 2019. Details:  Connecticut has enacted legislation (House Bill 5386) that will prohibit employers from asking applicants about their pay ...

California Enacts New Protections Against National Origin Discrimination

Overview: California law now affords strengthened protections to applicants and employees on the basis of their national origin. Effective Date: July 1, 2018 Details: Background: On May 17, 2018, California’s Fair Employment and Housing Commission (“FEHC”) ...

Austin, Texas Passes Paid Sick and Safe Leave Law

Overview: Earlier this year, Austin City Council passed an ordinance requiring employers to provide paid sick and safe leave (“PSSL”), making Austin the first city in the South to enact this type of law. Effective Date: The new law will take effect for employers with six or ...

July and August Compliance Calendar

Below is a summary of compliance requirements that took effect recently or will take effect over the next few months. For more information on these topics, please see this month’s edition of the ADP Comprehensive Services Newsletter or the Comprehensive Services Newsletter Archive located ...

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