Connecticut Adopts Legislation to Permit Employers to Pay Wages by Payroll Card

On June 7, 2016, the state of Connecticut enacted Public Act No. 16-125 to recognize payroll cards as a permissible form of wage payment. Prior to the enactment of the law, the Connecticut statute only mentioned payroll check, cash, and direct deposit as methods employers could use to pay wages. ...

Minneapolis Paid Sick Leave

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges has signed Ordinance No. 2016-040, amending Title 2 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, adding a new Chapter 40 relating to Workplace Regulations.  The new chapter will require employers in the City to provide sick leave to employees. Employers with six or ...

Tip: What Are Your Job Descriptions Missing?

Job descriptions play an important role in the employee life cycle and serve as a useful tool to help you manage your employees. It is a best practice to develop and maintain job descriptions for all positions in your company for several reasons, including: Hiring: Employers can use ...

Tip: Gender Identity

Cultivating an Inclusive Workplace: Best Practices Regarding Gender Identity While no federal law explicitly prohibits discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) interprets Title VII’s prohibition on ...

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