Tip: Heat Illness Prevention: Best Practices and Obligations

For many of us, the summer season means fun-in-the-sun (warm temperatures, vacations, and barbecues). Unfortunately, for outdoor workers and people with certain chronic illnesses, summer can mean difficulty breathing, an increased risk for heat related illness, and other issues. According to ...

HR Tip: New Overtime Rules

On May 18, 2016, the Department of Labor (DOL) released final rules that will substantially increase the minimum salary requirement to qualify for exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act’s White Collar exemptions.  A brief overview of the final rules, effective December 1, 2016, ...

E-Verify Update and Multi-State Survey

Overview.   U.S. law requires companies to employ only individuals who may legally work in the United States – either U.S. citizens, or foreign citizens who have the necessary authorization. E-Verify is the Internet-based system that allows businesses to determine the eligibility ...

FLSA-New Compliance Toolkit & Updates

Overview.  As you know, recently published regulations impacting the FLSA’s so-called white collar exemptions are effective December 1, 2016.  Attached to this Alert you will find a Compliance Toolkit with all of the latest tools to help you comply with these changes. Also, as a ...

FLSA Changes and Our Plan of Action

Changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) white collar exemptions are coming, and ADP Workforce Now Comprehensive Services is ready to help our clients with the compliance challenges that will follow.  Below we highlight exactly how we plan to help, ...

EEOC Issues Final Rules on Wellness Programs

Overview. On May 17, 2016, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) published two final rules on wellness programs under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). The final rule amending the regulations and guidance ...

ADP SmartCompliance® Version 2.0 Beginning June 27, 2016

Beginning June 27, when logging into ADP SmartCompliance, click the blue button to see your new home page.  Tasks previously found in the Message Center have been moved to a new interface that sorts your work by action; this way you can organize your day easily and focus on the work that ...

ADPCheck™ Enhancements

We are excited to announce important enhancements coming later this summer to ADPCheck.  Along with the current benefits of ADPCheck, the new enhancements will improve the check cashing flexibility for your employees by providing an ADPCheck drawn on a bank in the state where your employee ...

California Garnishment Changes

This alert is intended for employers with employees working in the state of California who are subject to both a creditor garnishment and a local minimum wage.  If you have employees working in the state of California who are subject to both a creditor garnishment and a local minimum wage, ...

OSHA Issues Final Rule on Electronic Recordkeeping

Overview. On May 12, 2016, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) issued a final rule requiring all employers to notify employees of their right to report illnesses and injuries and be free from retaliation for doing ...

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