California Supreme Court Clarifies Overtime Calculations Involving Flat-Sum Bonuses

The California Supreme Court recently issued a decision, Alvarado v. Dart Container Corp. of California, significantly impacting how employers must calculate overtime pay when non-exempt employees receive a flat-sum bonus. The Court ruled that when calculating overtime during pay periods ...

10 HR Myths: Busted

Employers must follow a number of increasingly complex federal, state, and local laws. Certain myths surrounding these laws can make it even harder to comply. Below, we debunk 10 myths that employers may encounter. Myth: When federal, state, and local laws conflict, the employer gets to ...

Paid Sick Leave Laws: What Every Employer Should Know

Over the past few years, paid sick leave laws have been one of the biggest employment law trends among states and local jurisdictions. The proliferation of these laws can be especially challenging for employers that are subject to multiple laws with differing requirements. Here are answers to ...

Vermont Revises Marijuana Possession Laws

Vermont has enacted a law (HB 511) that: (1) eliminates existing civil penalties specific to the possession of up to two ounces of cannabis; and (2) removes criminal penalties with regard to the private cultivation of six marijuana plants by adults who are 21 years or older. The law also imposes ...

Massachusetts High Court Rules That Sick Pay Does Not Constitute Wages Under State Law

Background: In Tze-Kit v. Massachusetts Port Authority, the employer’s sick leave policy provided that, upon termination of employment, eligible employees would receive payment for a percentage of the value of their accrued, unused sick time. The policy further provided for no payment of ...

Maryland Releases More Information on Sick and Safe Leave

The Maryland Healthy Working Families Act (Act) requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide earned sick and safe leave paid at an employee’s regular wage rate. This Act went into effect on February 11, 2018.  Frequently Asked Questions: The Maryland Department of ...

Alaska Repeals Subminimum Wage

Summary: Alaska has enacted legislation repealing Alaska Administrative Code §15.120, which allows employers to pay individuals with disabilities less than minimum wage if determined that the disabled individual would otherwise be deprived of employment opportunity. ...

Internal Revenue Services (IRS) Resources for Tax Law Changes

Major tax changes approved by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) became law on December 22, 2017. The IRS is working on implementing this major tax legislation, which will affect both individuals and businesses. They will be providing information and guidance to taxpayers, businesses ...

Internal Revenue Services (IRS) Resources for Tax Law Changes

Major tax changes approved by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) became law on December 22, 2017. The IRS is working on implementing this major tax legislation, which will affect both individuals and businesses. They will be providing information and guidance to taxpayers, businesses ...

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