Important Year-End Employer Notification

Each year by December 1, the IRS requires all employers to distribute an information memo to their employees to review their federal Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate information for the next calendar year. If employees know that their federal filing status, exemption ...

Cost of Health Care on Forms W-2

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reminds employers to report Health Care Coverage Values on Form W-2.  This is mandatory for certain employers effective with tax years beginning in 2012. IRS Notice 2012-9, Interim Guidance on Informational Reporting to Employees of the Cost of Their Group ...

New California Employment Laws in 2018

California Employer Challenges in 2018 The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of some of the major laws that may impact your operations and to help you plan and prepare for these new compliance challenges.   It is part of our broader commitment to helping clients meet ...

Maine Upholds Veto of Recreational Marijuana Law

On November 6, 2017, the Maine House of Representative upheld Governor Paul R. LePage’s veto of a bill to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana. The 74-62 vote fell 17 votes short of the two-thirds margin required to override the Governor’s veto.  The bill had been ...

Wage and Hour Center of Excellence Reminder

As a reminder, the wage and hour Center of Excellence (COE) is still fully operational to assist you with you wage and hour questions (Including FLSA) or credentialing into Navigator OT (Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Analysis tool). The COE can be reached by email ...

Ninth Circuit Rejects U.S. Department of Labor’s Interpretation of “Dual Jobs” for Tipped Employees

Finding it wholly inconsistent with the statute and the regulation it purports to interpret, the Ninth Circuit, in Marsh v. J. Alexander’s, LLC, has held invalid the United States Department of Labor “80/20” tip credit rule, or “20% Rule,” which limits the ...

State-wide Ban on Salary History Inquires Enacted in California

On October 12, 2017, California became the fourth state to outlaw inquiries into an individual’s salary history.  Assembly Bill 168 (AB 168), which takes effect on January 1, 2018, will apply to all employers, including state and local governments.   The new law continues the ...

Amendment Regulation Governing Payment of Wages to Home Health Aides Issued in New York

The New York State Department of Labor (NYDOL) recently issued an amendment to its Minimum Wage Order for Miscellaneous Industries and Occupations (Wage Order) in response to recent court decisions finding that non-residential 24-hour home care attendants, also referred to as aides, must be paid ...

California Provides Protections for Immigrant Employees

On October 5, 2017, California Governor Jerry Brown signed 11 bills, making California a sanctuary state. The Immigrant Worker Protection Act  (IWPA) is one of the 11 bill signed, and it is the most relevant to employers.   With the signing of the IWPA, California became the first ...

Discharging Employees for Refusing to Share Tips is Prohibited in Minnesota

According to the Supreme Court of Minnesota, discharging an employee for refusing to share tips is illegal under the Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act (MFLSA).  In Burt v. Rackner, Inc., the plaintiff, who was employed as a bartender, was told that he needed to give more of his tips to the ...

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