ADP Mobile Update

On April 1, 2017, ADP Mobile PIN Log-in functionality in US and Canada was retired. The mobile PIN log-in functionality was retired due to reduced usage.  Retirement of ADP Mobile PIN Log-in Functionality Two other forms of logging into ADP Mobile remain intact. Those forms ...

The Affordable Care Act Remains the Law

Obamacare is the law of the land.... We're going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future." - Representative Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, March 24, 2017 On March 24, 2017, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan pulled the American Health Care Act from consideration by the House of ...

Kentucky Law Amended to Allow Payroll Cards for Wage Payments

Overview.  On March 27, Kentucky Governor, Matt Bevin, signed a measure (H.B. 378) amending KRS 337.010 to update the ways that an employee may receive wages and prohibit activation fees for wages on a debit card.  The law will permit the use of payroll cards and direct deposit as ...

Arkansas Enacts Legislation Increasing Flexibility for Frequency of the Payment of Wages to Certain Job Categories

Overview.  On March 14, Arkansas Governor, Asa Hutchinson, signed into law Act 435 (H.B. 1609) increasing the flexibility in the law regarding the frequency of the payment of wages for certain employees. Arkansas law currently requires employers to pay wages of salespersons, mechanics, ...

The City of Los Angeles, California, Office of Wage Standards Revises Rules Implementing the Minimum Wage Ordinance, Including Paid Sick Leave Requirements

Overview.  On March 14, the City of Los Angeles Office of Wage Standards revised its rules implementing the Minimum Wage Ordinance, which includes mandatory paid sick leave requirements.  The City of Los Angeles Minimum Wage and Sick Time Benefits Frequently Asked Questions have been ...

Arizona Paid Sick Leave

Arizona becomes the sixth state to enact legislation requiring employers to provide certain employees with earned paid sick time effective July 1, 2017. Please review the specific requirements of the Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act (Proposition 206) ...

Important Information from the Internal Revenue Service on Form W-2 Social Security Number Data Theft Scam

A dangerous email scam currently is circulating nationwide and targeting employers, including tax exempt entities, universities and schools, government and private-sector businesses. The scammer poses as an internal executive requesting employee Forms W-2 and Social Security Number information ...

President Trump Officially Disapproves of the Federal Contractor Blacklisting Rule

Overview.  Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, on March 27, 2017, President Trump signed legislation disapproving of then-President Obama’s Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order.  President Trump also issued an Executive Order directing the Department of Labor and ...

Arizona Releases Guidance on the Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act, and the Arizona Supreme Court Upholds the Law

In our last Issue of the Compliance Newsletter, we told you that Arizona’s Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act (the “Act”), which established a new minimum wage (effective January 1, 2017) and a new paid sick leave requirement (effective July 1, 2017), was being contested in ...

President Trump Issues Executive Order Requiring the Establishment of Agency Task Forces

Overview. On February 24, 2017, President Trump issued an Executive Order on Regulatory Reform that directs each agency to establish a regulatory reform task force.  Details.   The Executive Order reads, in part: (a)  Within 60 days of the date of this order, the head of ...

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