Federal Contractors - Enforcement of Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Disclosure and Arbitration Mandates Halted

A U.S. District Court Judge in the Eastern District of Texas has ordered a preliminary injunction blocking certain portions of the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Final Rule and Guidance (“Final Rule”) from taking effect, as planned, on October 25, 2016.  See attached Order, ...

Final EEO-1 Summary Pay Data Rule

Overview.  As previously reported, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced its highly anticipated final requirements for revision of the EEO-1 reflecting the collection of pay data. The new pay data reporting obligation will commence on March 31, 2018.  ...

Federal Contractors - Paid Sick Leave Mandate Taking Effect January 1, 2017

Overview. On September 30, 2016, the Department of Labor published the final rule implementing Executive Order 13706 requiring covered federal contractors to provide paid sick leave to covered employees. The Final Rule is effective as of November 26, 2016, but shall apply to covered ...

IRS Announces 2017 Pension Plan Limitations

On October 27, 2016, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced cost-of-living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations for pension plans and other items for Tax Year 2017. Per the IRS Release: “The Internal Revenue Service today announced cost-of-living adjustments affecting ...

Open Enrollment Center is Now Open

The Open Enrollment Center in ADP Workforce Now is available to Comprehensive HR and Comprehensive Payroll clients and provides step by step navigation to guide you through the different tasks and milestones of a successful open enrollment.  It provides a landing page to house key open ...

IRS Announces 2017 Benefits Plan Contribution Limits

On October 25, 2016, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced via Revenue Procedure 2016-55 the dollar limitation on employee salary reductions for contributions to health flexible spending accounts; the monthly limitations regarding the aggregate fringe benefit exclusion amount for ...

Social Security (OASDI) Taxable Wage Base to Increase for 2017

Social Security Administration (SSA) has announced several changes that will impact employers and employees in 2017. Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Wage Base (OASDI).  The SSA has announced that the social security portion (OASDI) taxable wage base for 2017 will increase ...

Updates to ADP Workforce Now® V2.0

Based on feedback from clients like you, we’re improving the process for retrieving user IDs or resetting passwords. These changes will take place on the ADP Workforce Now V2.0 website (https://portal.adp.com/public/index.htm) and will redirect to (https://online.adp.com/portal/login.html) ...

Ohio's Medical Marijuana Law

Overview.  Ohio has joined the growing list of states legalizing the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Ohio’s law took effect on September 6, 2016, although the state must now go through the process of creating and implementing a regulatory program before its constituents can ...

Tip: Voter Rights and Employer Obligations

As Election Day approaches, you can be sure that some employees will want and/or need to head to the polls during their regular work hours. While many states require employers to provide employees with paid time off to cast their vote on Election Day, some do not.  This week’s Tip ...

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