Columbus Day holiday payroll schedule

ADP Comprehensive Services would like to remind you that Columbus Day, Monday October 12, 2020 is a bank holiday. The Federal Reserve will be closed.  Please see the following Columbus Day Banking Guidelines for Payrolls with Pay Dates on or around October 12th, 2020. To ...

New ways to help keep your employees and workplace safe

Help foster a safe workplace and prevent the spread of illness, starting before anyone walks in the door. Explore ADP Marketplace solutions that can help safeguard your workforce, including:  ·       miinehealth: COVID-19 testing and screening, contact ...

Alabama requires new notice for unemployment insurance

The Alabama Department of Labor has adopted an emergency rule that expands the state's unemployment insurance notice requirements. The rule takes effect immediately. Background: Under existing law, employers must post a notice about the availability of unemployment insurance ...

Back to school during COVID-19: 7 scenarios to consider

The return to school this academic year will be much different as a result of COVID-19. While some schools will return to the classroom, others will start with distance learning or take a hybrid approach that combines some in-class instruction with some distance learning. For employers, these ...

Virginia protects workers performing election day services

Virginia has enacted legislation (House Bill 196) that offers certain protections to employees who perform services on election day. House Bill 196 is effective immediately. Anti-retaliation: Under House Bill 196, employers may not discharge or retaliate against an employee who serves as a ...

San Francisco gives certain laid off workers reemployment rights

San Francisco has approved an emergency ordinance that temporarily creates reemployment and other rights for certain employees laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ordinance went into effect on July 3, 2020 and expires September 1, 2020. Coverage: The emergency ordinance covers ...

New York District Court strikes down key parts of FFCRA regulations

A federal district court judge in New York has struck down key regulations implementing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Background: The FFCRA requires employers with fewer than 500 employees to provide paid leave to employees who are unable to work or telework ...

Georgia requires lactation breaks

Georgia has enacted legislation (House Bill 1090) that requires employers to provide reasonable break time to employees who wish to express breast milk at the worksite. House Bill 1090 is effective immediately. Any break time provided under House Bill 1090 must be paid at the employee's regular ...

California high court addresses wage statement, pay timing rules for interstate workers

The California Supreme Court has established a test for determining whether interstate workers must be provided with a California-compliant wage statement and how the state's rules governing the timeframe for paying wages apply to interstate workers. Background: Under California Labor Code ...

Updated: Remote inspection of I-9 documents temporarily allowed

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced that employers will be allowed to inspect Form I-9 documents remotely in certain situations related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). These procedural changes have been extended until September 19, 2020. BACKGROUND: The Form I-9 ...

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